I asked everyone to contribute frequently to our family blog, but then I don’t! I do write in my own blog (howbeit erratically) which is linked to the family blog. I would like to think that counts.
But feeling a little guilty and just in case.....
Home front - We started the new year by painting our bathroom. When my income tax return came, we bought a backyard shed from Costco to keep our bikes and lawnmower in. Now we are slowly in the process of fixing up the master bedroom for the boys to share. We painted it to create an under the sea feel and are now working on the floor. We have sanded and sanded. We probably should sand some more, but we don’t want to. I think we will work on the stain soon. Then the polyurethane. After that we need to figure out some kind of window covering. Hopefully suggestive of sails. Once we move the boys, we are going to try to dejunk the “family room.” Junk collected by over a dozen people living and dead needs to be sorted. sigh IF we ever get the family room cleared, we will fill it up again when we empty out the kitchen which needs to be gutted so the floor and cabinets can be replaced - both of which are almost to the point of the house being condemned. Of course, I haven’t figured out the funding for that yet.......
Church service - At the start of the year I was Cubmaster, but I found myself unable to carry the load properly and by the end of the first quarter I asked to be released. Now I am merely an Activity Committee Member. My children, on the other hand (in their respective wards) include Relief Society President, Mission Leader, Primary President, Teacher’s Quorum President and I don’t know what all.
Andrew has been going through a good bit of paper work and medical checks preparatory to serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We are waiting for word from the insurance company to the oral surgeon so he can have his wisdom teeth pulled. We are considering this a sacrifice for the Lord.
At work - I started as a lowly Account Clerk II for CA State Parks. I got promoted to Accounting Technician - not QUITE as lowly, but fairly so. I am truly blessed to have a nice boss, pleasant coworkers, and the convenience and moneysaving of light rail. When working gets dreary or just gets me down because I miss being at home, I am comforted to think of the beautiful parks I serve even if it is from the bowls of a downtown office building. Can the 10th of 16th floor be called the bowels?
Joseph is also a State worker as of April 1st. He is with Consumer Affairs - Bureau of Automotive repair. Unfortunately, he light rails in the opposite direction - and bikes about 2 miles from home to light rail and another 2 miles from light rail to work. He seems to get a flat about once a week, but he perseveres.
We both should also be taking classes with City College this fall. groan.
I don’t really like Accounting that much. I like receptions duties better. I am trying to figure out if I prefer it enough and if the state offers opportunities to take secretarial and office management type classes. The state may well sponsor me in another accounting class this fall. Other classes would be on my own time and my own dime as it is already work related. I fear I may be too old to carry the load with any degree of grace. I feel too tired and have too little time already during the comparatively easy days of summer!
Adventure - We - Andrew, Benjamin and I (Joseph would rather not live too adventurously) - tried an almost spur of the moment trip to Yosemite over Memorial Day weekend. Perhaps we should have consulted the weatherman. It was so incredibly rainy and cloudy that we actually saw very little of Yosemite and came home the 2nd day. Still, we had fun seeing part of the valley floor briefly Saturday afternoon, sleeping in Wal-Mart’s parking lot in Sonora, visiting Sonora 1st Ward Sunday, and just being together. We came home and enjoyed our own beds, attending our traditional Memorial Day Ceremony at Mt Vernon Memorial Lawn and some family time.
More adventure - Andrew and Benjamin enjoyed a Young Men (Teacher and Priests) high adventure weekend that included white water rafting, water sports and hiking - just here in our local foothills. Despite all the leaders’ and young men’s best attempts, everyone survived. Next week, the go on an LDS Scout Encampment and get home just in time to go on a sibling camping trip to Fort Bragg. Joseph will, of course, also go on the sibling camp trip. It will be just me and the animals at home. The animals are going to be so lonely during the day! I am going to come home to some crazy critters each evening.
Well, wasn’t that exciting?
May all your excitements be the good kinds. (Be sure to tell us, whatever kind they are.)
Love, Barbara, Joseph, Andrew and Benjamin