Friday, January 18, 2008

An Update on Our Girls

Acadia has been very excited about a class party that she and her classmates earned today. She has posted in her blog about it, so go check that out. :) Today should be a really fun day at school, and not just because of the party! They start with Sharing Time (every Friday, but will be first thing this time because of the other things going on too), then have Art Appreciation (I think this is usually once a month, one of the student's aunt is a professional artist and comes in to do fun projects with them.), they also have P.E., and then there is the class party! She wanted her hair wavy and this is how it turned out...

She needed me to take a picture of her doing something for an art project today so we took a pic of her playing the piano...

Last night, Rori was playing on an exercise mat and literally, every 15-20 seconds or so, came up to me to give me a kiss. She was kissing whatever she could get, I did try to give her a kiss but sometimes she'ld just settle for my hand or arm. Then she would wave and say, "bye-bye" as she went back to the mat. lol When she was on the exercise mat, she looked like she was trying to do the splits! She would stand up and then let her feet slide apart until she fell down on her bum. lol

Last week, I found her with some chocolate candy she wasn't supposed to have.

She loves music and has lately been spending a lot of time just looking through this hymnal, sometimes "singing" along.

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