Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Camping in Fort Bragg

Several months ago, my siblings and I decided to plan a camping trip together. Growing up, our family always went camping in Fort Bragg, so that's where we headed. We had a great time! Here is a video montage of our pics:


jensenfam4 said...

Looks like fun. What a good idea, putting a slide show of the pictures. I am glad that you commented on my blog. I couldn't get into your old address, and I assumed that you got a new one. Miss you guys!

Haslam said...

I am not sure if you can help me. there is a post on this blog of lainee carolin. we are trying to find her/ her half brother passed away last night. We don't know how to get a hold of her. Do you have any info? our email is trickynikki5@hotmail.com thanks