Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Do As I Say, Not.........oh, ok, I will do it, too

The trouble with sending out a reminder asking everyone to write to
the family blog, is that now, of course, I need to also.

Today is E minus 7. In seven short, short days Andrew turns 18.
Will he fly or crash and burn? He and I are working away at his
Eagle. His project is completed - he collected and delivered probably
around 1500 books, plus stuffed animals, games and toys to Books for the Barrios
for schools in the Philippines. Now, the write up! groan. The
application to fill out. Letters of recommendation to collect. His
Eagle book to put together. Get all this approved by the vigilant
District Advancement Chair AND have a Board of Review before midnight
of his 18th birthday. We are so close, and yet ...... I sure know
why they give the mothers those little pins.

In other news, we adopted a couple of cocktiels from a dog park friend
who rescued them from a cruelly negligent neighbor. "I was hoping
they would die." Recently Mr Cotton had us quite concerned as he
huddled in the bottom of the cage and seemed out of sorts. Until we
saw an egg in the bottom of the cage! So far Mr Cotton, or should we
say, Mrs Rosie Cotton, has laid 5 eggs now. We do not THINK they are
viable (and WHAT would we do if they are???). Some experts say to let
th hen keep her eggs for a while to satisfy her little mother heart.
Also, if you take them all away, she might just keep laying.

Joseph and I are facing finals in our respective classes Thursday.
ahh, the joy. So far, we each have strong A's, so no terror. I am
amazed at being able to carry an A and STILL not understand, much less
like, Accounting (basic beginning class). The teacher is helpful and
a bit lenient, but still..

Don't you think you can write something AT LEAST as interesting as this?! I bet you can!

Hoping to hear from you!

love, Barbara


Sariah said...

One of these days I will post too... I feel kind of weird though since just about anything I have to say has already been posted in my own blog. :S But I will post soon... I promise. :)

David said...

Sariah, why don't you post a summary of life since the last time you sent something out to everyone with links back to your own blog for more details on the most interesting stories.