Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Barbara is in Sacramento, CA in the same house I have been in for over 40 years. 
Miriam, Joseph, and Andrew are my house mates.

The house is old as I am (68 for me, something close for The Patch which is what I call my house) and we both show signs of age.  My son-in-law, Tom, is taking time from his busy Notary Public work and his Covid 19 stalled DJ business to fix up my kitchen.  Looks good, doesn't it?  Well, it will.

The biggest and worst effect of the Covid 19 pandemic is not being able to see my kids and grandchildren.  I think we are all going to snap soon.  We have begun to crack already.  Some of us had what was supposed to be a socially distant picnic around Memorial Day and I got to hold Benjamin and Bethany's baby Jacob.  Once in 6 months doesn't do it.  I haven't seen Tom & Ruth's kids until we decided to not let the pandemic hold off the kitchen project any longer and the two oldest have come to help him sometimes.  Haven't see the others yet. I haven't seen Lucas & Debi's Molly at all except on Zoom family gatherings.  All of these live in the Sacramento area. It i's even worse with Sariah's kids who live in other states.  We have had a few fun times playing a drawing game on Zoom.

Truth is I didn't see my family as often as I ought or would like before the pandemic.  The enforced isolation helps me realize how important family time is.  I want to do better.  Partly why I'd like us to try the blog again.

Where are you?

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